Turkish people showed no appetite for military rule. But this should be no excuse for Erdogan and his governement to further restrict democracy in Turkey

turchiaMonica Frassoni and Reinard Buetikofer EGP Co-chairs Last night's failed military coup costed 260 lives and lead to the arrest of 3000 soldiers; whilst regretting the loss of lives, we welcome the end of an illegal and violent attempt by a part of the military to go back to the old methods of conquering power. But the situation is far from quiet and peaceful in Turkey. Today, 2700 judges have been suspended from their posts, in an apparent attempt by the government to curb alleged opposition in the judiciary. Conflict in the South East of the country continues with no perspective of coming back to the negotiating table, after Erdogan rejected an almost completed agreement in 2015. Stability and peace will not be reestablished in Turkey without a decisive change of Erdogan's ruling methods: all turkish democratic parties rejected the attempt of military coup; thousands of people rushed in the streets disregarding the curfew imposed by the plotters, clearly demostrating that it is no more time for a military rule in Turkey. They do not deserve to be rewarded with a harsh return to an autoritarian regime, no matter if ruled by a political party and not by the army. Brussels, 16 July 2016