Suruç attack: Time to resume peace talks in Turkey

Turkey_PeaceEuropean Green Party PRESS RELEASE   Following the terrorist attack that took place in the Turkish town of Suruç, the Co-Chairs of the European Green Party, Monica Frassoni and Reinhard Bütikofer, comment: “We express our deepest sympathy to the family and friends of the youth activists who were killed in Suruç on Monday. Most of these victims were committed to the fight for democracy and peace, not only in Syria, but also in Turkey. “The tragic events that played out and the increasing tension in Turkey demonstrate that the country’s Prime Minister, Tayyip Erdogan, has to move beyond his ambiguous stance towards DAESH and come out with a clear position against this terrorist group, thereby stopping to use it as a tool for his internal disputes with the Kurds. He must also defend his citizens, irrespective of their ethnic or religious origin, and start playing a more positive role in the region. “This latest attack should be considered a wake up call to resume and speed up the process of peace building in the country, and the Turkish government must now do everything within its power to avoid an escalation of violence. “Resuming the peace talks with representatives of the Kurdish people that had originally started in 2012, with more energy and zeal, remain the best option for all to achieve a positive outcome. The European Union must also play its part in supporting the process. “A new civic coalition was formed in Turkey, entitled the ‘Peace Bloc’. Made up of several political parties, democratic organisations, labour and trade bodies, NGOs, as well as intellectuals and artists, it will organise a peace march in Istanbul on 26 July to condemn the terrorist attack. “The European Green Party stands in solidarity with the march, and with people who are yearning for freedom and peace all over the world, in particular the Middle East.”