[caption id="attachment_2987" align="alignleft" width="150"]9126919624_cb775ba808 foto di EU Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection[/caption] Marking World Refugee Day, the Greens have called attention to the need for safe, legal entry points into the EU. According to Ska Keller MEP and the European Green Party Co-Chair Monica Frassoni, current EU rules do nothing for those who need the most protection. “The protection of refugees is an inviolable principle that the EU should uphold. Currently, we're not living up to this standard. This is unacceptable.” “There were 16.7 million refugees internationally last year, while 33.3 million were displaced within their own country. They are fleeing devastating wars, that have torn their lives apart. These people need protection, and the EU isn't providing that. Last year, 128,000 refugees were given protection in Europe. In context, over 1.1 million people looked for asylum internationally last year. “Our asylum policy isn't fit for purposes. Across our borders, refugees are being forced to take more and more dangerous routes into Europe. Hundreds of asylum seekers die off our Mediterranean coastline every year, while our border agency FRONTEX should be protecting them. “We need possibilities for legal and safe entries for asylum seekers, that offers them the protection they need. In cases where they're being pushed back, refugees must have the possibility to effectively oppose their return, and have access to legal remedies.” “As Europeans, we must live up to our Nobel Peace Prize, and our obligation to provide protection for those in need. Anything less is unacceptable.”