Monica: "We need the Green New Deal and a more integrated Europe"

I am very happy to share with you this significant moment of our Green family.
We always say that the Greens make politics in a “different” way. Without wanting to exaggerate the importance and impact of what we do today, we can once again say that we are what we say. We are different.

#voteMonicaThe 2014 European elections will be won by those, who will manage to mobilize voters. This is what this primary is about. Not so much a competition among

individuals, but a stage for green politics at EU level. A team work, meant to let all our potential supporters out there see that: it is possible to change Europe, there is an alternative to the Troika, the EU can become once again a place where policies are implemented for the people and not for the markets.

We think we can still revert the mainstream belief, that next May the Europeans will punish the wrong blind austerity policies by weakening their common voice or by not participating to the vote or by voting for those who want to build new borders among them.

Our message is simple: we need the Green New Deal and a more integrated and democratic Europe. We stand for an open society, where fundamental human rights and liberties are applied and respected. We strive for a sustainable development, where efficiency and renewable energy, green agriculture, industry and green jobs form the core of our economy. We think it is possible to give a new strength to the dream of the fathers and mothers of the European project.

Monica Frassoni

Brussels, 10th November 2014, European Green Party Autumn Council