green-cities_web-banner-min   The European Green Party together with Federazione dei Verdi & Green Italia will be hosting the conference “Moving Ahead: Green Mobility for Healthy Cities” on 22 October in Rome, Italy. “The main aim of this conference is to share Green best practices from across Europe in reducing air pollution and enhancing mobility in cities” says the Coordinator of the European Green Party local councilors network Evelyne Huytebroeck. “The conference will feature sessions on urban planning and mobility, Green strategies to achieve carbon neutral cities with cooperation between the local and European level, the role of taxation in Greening the transport sector, as well as shared mobility and alternative modes of transport” she adds. “Governments at the local, regional and national level around Europe are challenged by dramatic increases in health problems due to poor air quality, and road traffic” says Co-Chair of the European Green Party Monica Frassoni. “Pleasant, green and clean urban environments need to become a real political priority. With more and better public transport cities like Rome can cut traffic congestion and both air and noise pollution can be reduced. Let’s just keep in mind that only two years ago a survey by the European Commission placed Rome as last out of 28 EU capitals in a ranking for the efficiency of city services. “Let’s remember that public transport also helps to tackle social exclusion and promote urban regeneration. Moreover, mobility patterns based around public transport encourage healthier lifestyles and improved levels of road safety. Cities that embrace public transport, as well as pedestrian and bicycle transportation as the backbone of their transport system, can free up vital urban space for recreation and business activities, as we witnessed in other European capitals” she concludes. NOTE: Please click here for the programme of the event.   Brussels, 18 October 2016