UnknownReinhard Bütikofer, Co-Chair of the European Green Party, comments on the European Investment Plan presented in the European Parliament today by European Commission President Juncker: “European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker has taken an important step in the right direction today. His investment program might initiate a change of course in the common European economic policy - away from devastating austerity and towards an overdue revival of the economic flow in Europe. “Nevertheless, this programme still promotes obsolete structures, and lacks consistent support for eco-innovation in Europe. President Juncker and his Commission must rework this plan in this regard. In particular, eco-innovations will secure the future competitiveness of the European economy. In selecting projects for funding this must be considered, along with a fair share of middle class enterprises. “Member States should accept the invitation from President Juncker and agree to a substantial cash injection to the European Investment Fund. Fresh money will be needed to make this investment program a success. We now need a convincing signal from Member States on Juncker’s investment plan, and not month-long delays and tactics. Monica Frassoni, Co-Chair of the European Green Party, says: “This Investment Fund is not just about the overall amount of money, but also the direction of the investments. On this, we think that some clear options aren't there, while there is a risk too many resources will flow back to old projects like the Lyon-Turin line or carbon-heavy energy infrastructure. The goal must be to launch a true Green New Deal, redirecting the energy union towards energy efficiency and renewable energy and realigning our economy towards translating new incentives into social and Green innovation.   “The Commission President should not limit himself to the decision-making process at the European level. European citizens want a new economic policy – President Juncker should take the discussion to all 28 capitals and mobilise those who are in a position to exert pressure, so that the change actually happens.”