Copia di EGP_Campaign_Poster_FoodThis year, together with our 33 member parties in the European Union, the European Greens will run the third common European electoral campaign. With the campaign claim “Change Europe, vote Green,” we will demonstrate our vision to change Europe for the better and put it on a sustainable path. The campaign, which we will kick off at our Electoral Convention on Saturday 22 February, will be built on participation, transnationalisation, our Common Manifesto and personalisation. Our two leading candidates, Ska Keller and José Bové, will be the faces and the voices of our campaign and support our member parties across Europe. This morning, Monica Frassoni and Reinhard Bütikofer, Co-Chairs of the European Green Party presented the European Greens 2014 campaign to the press. Besides outlining the strategy of this transnational effort and how it will work, they presented the campaign posters and some of the online tools that Greens will use across the EU to gain seats from more countries in the next European Parliament. An important feature of this campaign is its flexibility and the fact that it combines national and European identities. EGP member parties can easily customise the material to their own needs and national context. The campaign was developed in cooperation with the consulting firm Joschka Fischer & Company and the creative agency KKLD. Commenting on the occasion, Co-Chair of the European Green Party Reinhard Bütikofer  said:The legitimacy of the next European Parliament will depend to no small degree on the level of citizen participation in the election. With a message of change the European Green Party wants to mobilise voters to turn disenchantment, criticism and anger into activity and, through that, hope. Anti-European populism and business-as-usual policies would both lead into dead ends. A Greener Europe, a more social Europe, a democratically reinvigorated Europe, a Europe that does not shy away from its international responsibility and a Europe that pursues a Green New Deal to transform our economies, this is what we offer voters in all 28 member states. One of our goals is to increase the number of member states that will send Green MEPs to the European Parliament from May.” Co-Chair of the European Green Party Monica Frassoni added:The next European elections will be won by those who will be able to mobilise the voters around their proposals. Our main aims consist of a more democratic Europe and a Green economic and social reconversion. In these times of crisis and disillusionment about European politics, we have chosen the narrow path of a radical yet constructive alternative to “austerity only” policies and that is the Green New Deal. That is also why we decided to have our third truly transnational campaign. We must build a stronger political family in the European Parliament to win over other forces and create a Green-thinking majority that will work more effectively with civil society for a better Europe.”