2014-03-26 11.44.17 copia 2The Greens oppose the terms of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) agenda. To demonstrate the dangers of TTIP being used to lower standards across the EU, a public action was held this morning in the heart of Brussels during the EU-US Summit, with our Green leading candidate Ska Keller, and her fellow Green MEPs Ulrike Lunacek (AT), Bart Staes (BE), Philippe Lamberts (BE), Rebecca Harms (DE) and Sven Giegold (DE). The Greens had one message: TTIP must be on our terms. Standards that protect European citizens must not be put at risk. Commenting on the occasion Green leading candidate Ska Keller said: “The TTIP agreement is about much more than just trade. In its current form, the agreement would have a broad impact on our daily life. Our health, food, labour rights, and environmental standards would be deeply affected. It might even go as far as to change the way in which we use democratic institutions to set regulations in those fields. All of this is being negotiated in total secrecy. We strongly oppose the terms of the current TTIP negotiations, as they present too many dangers and unacceptable risks.” VIDEO -