Crimea-Russia-VoteFollowing the decisions of the Council of the European Union on Ukraine, EGP Co-Chairs Monica Frassoni and Reinhard Bütikofer declare: “We welcome the clear condemnation by the European Council of the illegal referendum in Crimea on 16th March, which was held in clear breach of the Ukrainian constitution. In addition, we deplore the intimidation of civil activists and journalists, the blacking out of Ukrainian television channels and the obstruction of civilian traffic in and out of Crimea, that occurred during the 'referendum.' “We reiterate our strong expression of solidarity with the Ukrainian people against the clear violation of Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity by Russia. We call on the Russian authorities to avoid further escalation and to refrain from annexing Crimea. We also call upon them to immediately stop all acts of aggression in Southern and Eastern Ukraine. “We do support the European Union's decision and willingness to facilitate dialogue between Ukraine and Russia and we want the EU to use all diplomatic avenues to help de-escalate the situation. Opportunities still exist to avoid a negative spiral. Furthermore, we remain committed to the development of the EU-Russia relationship based on mutual interest and respect for international law. “We support the sanctions agreed upon by the European Council including travel restrictions and the freezing of assets of the people responsible for actions against Ukraine's integrity, sovereignty and independence, as Russia has not followed up on the EU's calls for a lawful approach to the situation. In addition, the European Greens call for a halt to arms exports from the EU to Russia. “We call on the Ukrainian authorities to implement an inclusive political process and to reach out to all Ukrainian regions and population groups and to ensure the full protection of persons belonging to national minorities. We applaud Ukrainian authorities for the measured response they have shown so far and call upon them to strictly limit their actions to peaceful means." “The European Union must stand by Ukraine and provide strong financial support to its economic stabilisation. We welcome the removal of customs duties on Ukrainian exports to the EU and we call upon the EU to speed up the process of visa liberalisation for Ukrainian passport holders. We support the swift deployment of an OSCE special monitoring mission to Ukraine, including Crimea."