337516_335080106505084_304049527_oThis week, European heads of state have an opportunity to make a huge step forward when they meet to discuss a package of new climate related measures and targets for 2030, based on the proposals of the European Commission. What happens in Brussels could have life-or-death repercussions for millions of people right now, and billions more in the future. With nine out of every ten Europeans thinking that climate change is a serious problem, and the publication of the next IPCC report in 10 days, the Greens want EU leaders to put forward an ambitious climate and energy agenda before it becomes too late. This has to happen as soon as possible. World events are not an excuse for pushing climate change further down the agenda once again.
 Commenting on the occasion Green leading candidate, Ska Keller said: "We need an ambitious climate and energy policy – not only to prevent a climate catastrophe, but to create more jobs and become more energy independent. We need to reduce Europe's dependence on gas and other fossil fuel imports, for example from Russia. We need a 55% reduction of greenhouse gasses, for 45% of Europe's energy to come from renewables and 40% energy savings by 2030. The Commission's proposal for reducing greenhouse gas emissions falls too short. With their proposal, we will never be able to reach the 2050 goals the EU has already set for itself. There are the same problems with the renewable energy target: instead of this unambitious proposal (27% renewable energy by 2030) which calls for voluntary implementation by member states, we Greens suggest 45% renewable energy targets, and to make this goal binding. The Commission's goal for energy savings (17%) is only half of what can be done and what should be done: we want energy savings of 40%. Energy efficiency goals must be binding. We Greens want to improve the Commission's proposals – for a better Europe." 
Green leading candidate José Bové added: “The European Commission is backing off on its climate change objectives even though the sea level is still rising. The Commission resigning itself to this is all the more so regrettable given that the next Conference on Climate will be held in Paris at the end of next year. The measures, proposed by Barroso will be insufficient to limit the global average temperature increase to 2° C at most, which opens the door to the most disturbing scenarios. The use of carbon dioxide-based energy is simply not possible any longer. The EU has to mobilise all of its financial and technological capabilities without further delay, to launch an ambitious program for developing renewable energies. Only political will can allow us to secure European energy independence, creating employment within the member states and enable us to not to bow anymore under pressure from oil and gas producing countries.”