337516_335080106505084_304049527_oThe European Green Party (EGP) has expressed its solidarity with the people of Ukraine, and their fight for European orientation, democracy, peace and independence. Russia has invaded Crimea and is threatening an even broader invasion of Ukraine. The military control of Russian troops over the Crimean peninsula is a violation of Ukrainian sovereignty. Russia is blatantly ignoring its own treaty obligations, international law and its obligations under UN charters. We are highly alarmed by this aggression and call for it to end immediately. Commenting on the crisis, EGP Co-Chair Reinhard Bütikofer said: “Russia's aggression needs a clear response from the EU and its member states. There is still the opportunity to withdraw Russian troops and to restore full Ukrainian sovereignty, and we must use all diplomatic means to achieve that end. But a Russia that does not respect international law cannot be a strategic partner for the EU. Russian actions must have definite political and economic consequences. Sanctions, asset freezing and visa restrictions will have to be considered. At the same time, we call on the Ukrainian government to act prudently and to help to deescalate the situation. Restoring Russian as an official language should be part of that." EGP Co-Chair Monica Frassoni continued: “The European Union must do all it can to support the people of Ukraine. It is clear that there is a desire to move away from Russian dominance, and we must help them wherever possible. On the other hand, the current Ukrainian government should become more inclusive regarding Ukraine's democratic forces. The EU and our international partners must provide urgent financial and economic assistance to help alleviate the country's near-bankruptcy. We too should heed the wake up call that over reliance on Russia for oil and gas supplies carries heavy risks for our energy security.”