imagesMonica Frassoni, Co-Chair of the European Green Party, issues a statement on the ruling of the Italian Supreme Court on environmental damage: "The Eternit case is the biggest trial for environmental damage in Europe ever. It is untenable that such a charge expires under Italy's statute of limitations, and courts dismiss such claims for damages on the grounds that they are time-barred. Ultimately, we urgently need a legal debate on the statute of limitations in asbestos-related cases, considering that the diseases caused by exposure have a very long latency period. This ruling not only will set precedence in Italy for similar cases like Ilva in Taranto and ThyssenKrupp in Turin where CEO’s are held responsible for environmental damages and harm to human health. At the same time it demonstrates that the directive on environmental crime has not been properly transposed in European Member States. It is regrettable that the judiciary now has to proceed on the basis of murder accusations, which is clearly a signal that environmental crime is treated as a minor offence in Italy."