Elections in Turkey: Erdogan’s dirty campaign has won

turelMonica Frassoni, co-chair of the European Green Party, comments on the results of yesterday’s elections in Turkey: "No Green is present in the Parliament anymore, the pro-Kurdish HDP party barely got over the threshold of 10% and Erdogan’s AKP party is again able to form a single-party government: Erdogan’s dirty campaign and aggressive occupation of the entire political space has paid off. Among the factors which played a role in his victory: heavy political polarisation, tremendous pressure on media freedom, violent repression in Kurdish areas and a situation of distress the HDP party has been living following many attacks it has suffered. "HDP’s result, at least, will refrain Erdogan from forming a "super-majority" he has long dreamed about, in order to change the Constitution and attribute "super-powers" to himself. "Yesterday’s results are to be carefully examined, and the EU should carefully have a look into them. It is evident that Turkey plays an important role in the refugee crisis and that Erdogan was also able to capitalise on the recent discussion he had with the EU. However, this should not be an excuse to weaken Turkish democracy. "Juncker sent the wrong message when he said that the EU shoud not harp on Turkey about human rights, or that attacking Erdogan on press freedom will not help to solve the migrant crisis. If Turkey continues on its authoritarian path, it will be a big problem for the EU and it will not stop the flux of refugees."