14917477728_a1e9e9e43d_zWe congratulate both Donald Tusk and Federica Mogherini on being nominated as President of the European Council and Commission Vice President/ EU High Representative respectively. President Tusk with his recent proposal for a European Energy Union reignited a necessary discussion about European energy independence and energy solidarity, which Greens have been advocating for a long time. However, we believe that energy transformation towards renewable energy and energy efficiency should be the bases for a newly defined European effort in this regard. We are going to push ambitiously for this rebalancing of the European approach. Any attempt by the European Council to move backwards on energy policy by focussing on fossil fuels or shale gas fracking would not only undermine Europe’s climate responsibility, but also the future competiveness of European industry. Furthermore, we underline the importance that for the first time and 10 years after accession, such a relevant position is taken by the representative of a Central European country; we stress the fact that the President of the EU Council must also play a role and have a vision on the future of the EU integration and develop a positive and non-conflictual relation with both the EP and the Commission. "Vice President Mogherini, the future EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, is going to face multiple challenges in trying to ensure more coherence between European foreign security policy actors. The common foreign and security of the EU is permanently under pressure to prove its added value beyond national foreign policies of member states. We are looking forward to cooperating with Vice President Mogherini in implementing Europe’s collective values, and interests and European contributions to peaceful, just and sustainable solutions to global problems."