Conclusioni del Consiglio dei Verdi europei ad Atene

Cari tutti ecco in allegato le Conclusioni del Consiglio dei Verdi europei ad Atene. Le traduzioni della risoluzione sul Futuro dell'Europa e sulla Lione-Torino on-line nei prossimi giorni! 1.  What's next for Europe 2.  Adopted Resolutions - Activities Plan 2013 3.  Election EGP Committee 4.  Pictures from the Athens Council The EGP office has returned from Athens and we are working on the follow up business of the 17th Council. We are posting online the results of the Committee election and the Conciliation Panel election, the adopted resolutions, the 2013 Activities Plan, the reports etc.

1. What's next for Europe

We are very happy to be able to present to you the "What's next for Europe" resolution. Many people have worked very hard during the Council to realise a manageable voting process on Sunday. Please find the text HERE. (a pdf version can be downloaded - link below the text). We are looking into the possibility of making translations available to you as soon as possible.

2. Adopted Resolutions - Activities Plan 2013

You can find all adopted resolutions and 2013 Activities Plan online HERE. You can find a pdf version to be downloaded below the text of each of the resolutions.

3. Election of the EGP Committee

We gather most of you will already know about the new EGP Committee and who was elected but we've listed below the facts of their election nonetheless. The same information is also available online, including nice pictures and all. The 9 elected Committee members 2012-2015 are:
  • Monica Frassoni, Co-Chair EGP,
  • Reinhard Bütikofer MEP, Co-Chair EGP,
  • Jacqueline Cremers, Secretary General EGP,
  • Lena Lindström, Treasurer EGP,
  • Panu Laturi, further Committee member from Finnish Greens,
  • Gwendoline Delbos-Corfield, further Committee member from EELV France,
  • Mar Garcia Sanz, further Committee member from ICV Spain,
  • Steve Emmott, further Committee member from GPEW, UK,
  • Saraswati Matthieu, further Committee member from Groen Belgium.
The new Committee will have its' first meeting in the beginning of December to define the di vision of tasks, prepare the schedule and execution of the 2013 activity plan and also have a first exchange on the preparation fo the 2014 campaign.

5. Pictures of the Athens Council

You can find pictures from the Council on the EGP Facebook. And you may have noticed Raimo Oksala from the Finnish Greens taking pictures from the EGP Council. You can find his photos here: Athens European Greens meeting. He also took general pictures of the City of Athens. And the whole archive of his EGP Councils pictures can be found here: General photos from European Greens.