9508320082_f9ebc86793_b Monica Frassoni, EGP Co-Chair  In the run up to yesterday's referendum, European Greens had hoped that the Colombian people could validate the result of long and difficult negotiations. We understand and share the depth of the pain and sorrow that such a long war had inflicted on so many Colombians, but we supported the efforts of President Santos to turn the page and move on. We take note of the result, which demonstrates a clear-cut division in the Colombian society and a short majority in favor of the rejection of the agreement. We welcome the calls of both the Government and the FARC representatives according to which the negative result of the referendum does not change the irreversible path of peace. We hope that, no matter how difficult, it will be possible to overcome this setback and find the way to a new national dialogue and a lasting peace. Brussels, 3 October 2016